Sustainable Solutions for Ometepe

Our mission is to develop and implement sustainable solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice to children and families on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua. Children and families on this double­ volcano island of Ometepe, now devastated by political unrest and tropical storms, have few resources with which to develop their amazing work ethic and cultural strengths. This project will work in partnership with local communities to sustainably nurture markets that can feed families and can help to educate their children. This group aims to create more pathways to increased prosperity while respecting local cultural values and social institutions.

Vendors showcasing handmade products at the Saturday market in Santa Cruz

Ometepe Farmers Market

Training children and families to participate in a market as successful vendors. Market Money coupons (30 cents each) are distributed to children to buy food and school supplies at the market. These coupons also guarantee some money to the vendors in a cash­ poor economy, as they learn marketing skills. Transportation is provided to and from outlying villages so that buyers and sellers can get to the market and back in one day.

Many of the products in the market are grown locally on Ometepe, intimately bridging the consumer with the producing

Sustainable Farming

Organic, sustainable, and regenerative agricultural practices are mentored and supported, in turn providing more food and increasing the products vendors can sell.  Our goal is to encourage active cooperation and communication between many local initiatives, providing a community support network.

Students recieving solar reading lights courtesy of donations to Ometepe Sustainability Group


Partnering with schools to teach business skills. Liaisons will assist teachers and students to develop courses in marketing, basic accounting, English classes and hospitality management, using the farmer’s market as a classroom. The first step is providing solar reading lights to each child and books to encourage learning.

Farmers Market

Farmers Market Location

Santa Cruz Beach across Los Cocos

Farmers Market Hours

Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM


+505 8415 9171

Your donation is fully 501c(3) US tax-deductible!